Tanzania: Olduvai Gorge and Ngorongoro Crater

Our last safari stop in Tanzania was Ngorongoro Crater. An old volcanic crater with a lake and a river running through it. The crater is surrounded by steep sides of about 1500 feet. Since there is year round water and a steep climb, most of the animals stay put in the roughly 12 mile wide area. This means you could potentially see lots of animals in a very short time. Here we finally saw the elusive (at least for us) black rhino but only from a distance. The crater itself is stunning but since it’s a relatively small area, it can get crowded fast if something is happening (like a rhino sighting). For some reason, there are no giraffes in the crater even though there are trees for them to nibble on.

A beautiful morning view from the rim of Ngorongoro Crater. If I had one day to Safari, I would do it here.
Finally my very far away, very blurry, shot of a black rhino in the crater. It was better through the binoculars. Rhinos are oddly sensitive for such big creatures. Our tour guide said they don’t like dust and don’t like it when it’s windy. The prima donna of the crater.


AKA Alfred

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