Roman and Victorian Bath

Bath has a long history like most of the UK. It is doubly famous for the Roman baths built here and because Jane Austen lived there and formed a lot of her story ideas in Bath. It is a little large for our liking but we enjoyed our time there. Since we had visited before, it was a chance to relax. We also daytripped to Cardiff Wales to see Cardiff castle and eat Welsh Rarebit

This is why Bath is Bath. The hot springs that exist made it a natural choice for a Roman bath complex. The lower stuff is ancient. The upper stuff is 1800s. They now have people in Roman costumes in character walking around (like those in the back). They are awesome and will not break character but answer as their Roman counterparts would


AKA Alfred

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2 Responses

  1. Karen Diaz says:

    Bath was so nice! 💖