Florence: From Florentia to Firenze

Florence/Firenze was originally a Roman fort (isn’t everything). It was originally named Florentia simply because of all the flowers in the hills. This evolved into Firenze, which is right at the edge of our comfort zone for big cities. We enjoyed our time here and it was not super crowded which helped quite a bit. It’s a weird city with pockets of amazing art and old stuff but feels very urban sometimes with tons of stores and businesses. We had already visited most of the major tourist sites on a previous trip so we took it easy this time and just enjoyed the city. We did re-visit the David


AKA Alfred

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2 Responses

  1. Mari says:

    Firenze รจ magnifica! I’m glad they’re now protecting Ghiberti’s masterpiece.

    • Jose says:

      It’s nice to see it away from the hoards of selfie-takers in front of the copy at the Baptistry.