Category: Europe

Our First Swiss City: Lucerne

Lucerne was our first real stop in Switzerland after our one night stop in Appenzell. It is a tourist destination and a real swiss city at the same time. It was clean, efficient, and...

Weird Things About Appenzell Switzerland

The smallest canton in Switzerland by population is Appenzell. This is a place that hangs on to traditions. Cows are taken to the high meadows and back through town roads on a regular basis,...

A Small Post about a small country

This post is about Liechtenstein and my obsession with visiting the micro-countries (you’re next Andorra). We just stopped by on the way to Switzerland for lunch. It really is an interesting place. It’s eight...

Very pointy mountains: Italy’s Dolomites

We might get tired of alpine beauty by the end of this part of our trip but the Dolomiti are a unique blend of green alpine meadows, quaint little villages, and jagged peaks. This...

Milan Day Trip. It’s not that Italian

Milano was a weird contradiction and doesn’t feel very Italian to me. Why? It’s pretty modern, people are on-time and in a hurry a lot. They don’t have good coffee. Our guide said they...

Lake Como Varenna

We had to come back to Lago di Como since it’s just so dang pretty. Last time we stayed in Bellagio but this time we stayed in smaller Varenna which we preferred. Again we...

Florence: From Florentia to Firenze

Florence/Firenze was originally a Roman fort (isn’t everything). It was originally named Florentia simply because of all the flowers in the hills. This evolved into Firenze, which is right at the edge of our...

A Short Walk in Tuscany

I walked from Pienza to the nearby hill town of Monticchiello and back. It was a little less than 8 miles but it is truly uphill both ways 🙂 The pictures are a poor...

Beautiful Tuscany Hill Towns

We were in Tuscany in October 2011 but we’ve really enjoyed it so much more this time. Being hobbits at heart, we love rolling farmland with comforting hills that welcome rather than forbid. Above...

Venice So different but in a nice way

We thought we wouldn’t like Venice but we both really enjoy just being here. It is so different with no cars, mopeds, or bikes on the roads and dozens of alleys and bridges to...