Category: Europe

Our trip to mostly Western Europe

Paris Part Deux

We finished our trip where we started in Paris. We again are surprised how much we like Paris even though we are not city folk. This time we stayed outside the main tourist area...

The Dordogne: Awesome Rural France

I didn’t have many expectations for the Dordogne region but it was a good stop on our way back to Paris. I actually liked it better than Provence or Carcassonne (Paris and Chamonix are...

Carcassonne and Andorra: Very Different

Southwest France is very rural and feels different than the rest of France. This is going to seem like blasphemy to a lot of people, but I like it better than Provence so far....

More Provence

We only spent 7 nights in Provence and we felt like we took it easy (it was so hot!) but we still have some pictures to share. The area is beautiful but I have...

Our First Taste of Provence

We traveled from cool alpine Chamonix Mont-Blanc to hot dry Provence. Our first impression was that it looked very much like Tuscany but a little more dry and a little less pretty. It’s been...

Swissy-Mountainy France: Chamonix Mont-Blanc

Chamonix is close to the Swiss and Italian borders and feels like a mix of Switzerland and France. The main draw here is the Mont-Blanc group of summits. We spent a few nights here...

Lauterbrunnen Part 2: Stuff we did

A few more pictures of some of the activities we did. We only scratched the surface of the activities available. It is still our favorite place and we definitely would like to return.

Our New Favorite Place: Lauterbrunnen

We weren’t loving Switzerland like we thought we would. That all changed this week when we arrived in the village of Wengen above the Lauterbrunnen valley. Tall ice covered mountains, alpine meadows, waterfalls, cute...

Switzerland’s Capital Bern

Our next stop was the capital city of Switzerland. Maybe less touristy but similar to Lucerne. Bern is a little quirky but very swiss. Switzerland seems like a country of rule followers. People will...