Bangkok Night Market: I ate a bug and I liked it

OK I didn’t really like it but I didn’t dislike it either. It was kind of like eating a crunchy vegetable rind with no flavor. The oozy innards had been completely cooked off so even the scorpion was manageable. Brings new meaning to the phrase, I’ll just have the wing. Beside the bugs, everything was delicious during the night market tour. In fact, I liked everything I ate in Thailand that had less than six legs.


AKA Alfred

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4 Responses

  1. Mario says:


    • Jose says:

      I normally don’t do food as a dare but I gave in to peer pressure. Honestly, it didn’t taste like anything.

  2. Nani says:

    You are a far more adventurous eater than I am!

    • Jose says:

      Our little group was fun so I joined in. Really and truly it tasted like nothing. Just crunchy.